
Mission and Goals

Mission Statement:
To empower an organization to succeed and get results.

PriceLE$$olutions has five Goals:

1) To provide Marketing and Management advice and consultation (pro bono) to global or local non-profit organizations (NPOs); faith-based (FBOs) & community-based organizations (CBOs).

2) To Coach and Mentor women enterprises; seniors; veterans to transition, translate, transfer their skills and talents so they can transform into employees or entrepreneurs.

3) To Create fundraising & fun-raising ideas and programs for generating money through with private corporations and community groups so that the organizations can increase memberships; donors, supporters & volunteers;

4) To Assist non-profit organizations (NPOs, FBOs, CBOs); women enterprises; senior groups; veteran groups) to work together as Partners to educate, expand, enhance, and exchange ideas, resources and solutions.

5) To Empower the organizational leaders, staff, volunteers through personal involvement, training & development and coaching & mentoring to obtain results that meet their goals.